You Gon’ Learn Today! (COVID Podcasts Pt. 2/Updated Info)


Hey y’all, your local Registered Nurse back again with an update!

Part 1 of this post: The Best COVID-19 Podcast Episodes (so far) (written 10 days ago) includes a lil’ nurse rant (so sue me!) andddd also may or may not already be a bit outdated with the stats/info each podcast had to offer at the time – this virus is changing daily, yikes! I’m actually off today, so I thought I’d post an update of my new favourite podcast episodes for learning about this pandemic. A few of my favourite episodes this week weren’t “scientific” in nature, but were delving into the multitude of other problems this pandemic is bringing into the world (hellooo racism, depression, anxiety, cabin fever, etcccc!?). Because truly, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, FOLKS!

ALSO, I know this isn’t a podcast, but I have another recommendation that I think you need to see – check out John Krasinski’s amazing Youtube video on his new #SomeGoodNews Channel to get yo’self some smiles today, because this stressful and brutal time can always use some levity 🙂 Well done, John!

I’d like to take this time to formally thank anyone/everyone (family, friends, companies, strangers, etc) who have been emotionally and promotionally supporting frontline workers during this difficult time. Loving all the NURSE LOVE right meow! I can’t even begin to tell you how much better the support makes me feel, and all your kind words and generous gestures are SO SO SO APPRECIATED!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart 🙂

Even though this is the newest info, please feel free to still check part 1 out for some recommendations on how to self care during quarantine, for some cute ways to say thanks to the frontline workers in your life, and for a peek into my experience handling this pandemic on the front lines so far. Most of those sad and stressful feelings still remain, but sorta kinda on steroids now?? Trying not to be negative because the world is full of negativity right now, but sheeeeesh this is a tough time for healthcare professionals y’all. We’re being told to ration our PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), which is NOT how PPE works, guys!!! We’re taught this annually, and alas are asked to risk our health and safety even more drastically during a global pandemic. And its scary, ain’t gonna lie. And NO, this is NOT what I signed up for.

OKAY, rant over. Onto the podcasts!

Any spare chance I get, I like to listen in order to learn (educational podcasts are my jammy jam), so I’ve updated my list of recent favourite podcast episodes regarding this scary Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and the state of the world today. Keep in mind, I am a proud Canadian (true North STRONG!), so the focus is predominantly on the North American experience and response. SO, here is my newer, shorter list of some of the wonderfully informational episodes I’ve listened to so far! *The pictures are a synopses of each episode’s topic, and you can click on the name/link to take you to the podcast webpage! I recommend checking them all out, honestly! *

  1. This Podcast Will Kill You (6-Part Series) **if you only listen to one COVID podcast in the entire world – THIS SERIES is the one to listen to!!! Yes, I realize that is a big statement, and I shall not apologize lol.
    1. 123456
  2. Stuff You Should Know
    1. 7
  3. Next Question with Katie Couric
    1. 8
  4. Ologies with Alie Ward
    1. 9
  5. Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
    1. 10
  6. The Dose with Dr. Brian Goldman (1)
    1. 11
  7. Ted Talks Daily
    1. 12
  8. Brain Stuff (1)
    1. 13
  9. White Coat, Black Art
    1. 14
  10. Solving Healthcare with Dr. Kwadwo Kyeremanteng
    1. 15
  11. Brain Stuff (2)
    1. 16
  12. Science Rules with Bill Nye
    1. 17
  13. Life In Red with Ryan Forsyth (1)
    1. 18
  14. House of Pod
    1. 19
  15. Brain Stuff (3)
    1. 20
  16. Happy Place with Fearne Cotton
    1. thumbnail_image0
  17. Brain Stuff (4)
    1. IMG_2620
  18. The Dose with Dr. Brian Goldman (2)
    1. IMG_2619
  19. Brain Stuff (5)
    1. IMG_2627
  20. Life In Red with Ryan Forsyth (2)
    1. IMG_2628

PSA: when listening, keep an eye on what date the episodes were posted, as much of the information on this virus is changing from day to day! I would have posted this earlier, but I’ve been working non-stop at the hospital and have been too exhausted when I get home to write it haha. So some of these episodes may be outdated by the time you listen, but many of the channels are posting updated episodes as new information is learned.

Thanks for reading y’all! If anyone has questions for a healthcare professional (RN over hurr), or just really need someone to talk to right now (lemme relieve some of that stress!) PLEASE feel free to message me or comment, I’d love to help support you in this very difficult quarantine/social isolation time. Seriously, hit me up – I promise I will not mind.

Now for some of my favourite COVID memes from this week (although there have been MANY more than this)…


4 thoughts on “You Gon’ Learn Today! (COVID Podcasts Pt. 2/Updated Info)

  1. Another great roundup!! Thanks for being out there on the front line, it’s unbelievable that we’re asking people to be out there without the proper equipment for their own safe being!! Stay healthy & stay safe & if YOU need anything, please reach out!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. One major thing I think is missing from the narrative in the news & what people are posting on social media is that this is not a 2-3 week shutdown & that the economic repercussions are likely months. I recognize supporting local while you can but I think that message is tough for people who have either been laid off or on reduced hours because their businesses don’t have the work for their employees. I’d love to order take out and support local and purchase online workout classes BUT I’ll be living pay check to pay check until my company gets back the work that we can’t currently complete (like public consultation which is a requirement of Environmental Assessments which is a bulk of my work).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES!!! I wish more people understood that and really bunkered down/took the physical-distancing thing more seriously accordingly!! What people NEED to realize is: the longer people don’t comply with physical distancing, the longer we’ll have to do it!!

      And damn, so true, you make a great point there – it’s sometimes difficult for me to empathize with those who’ve lost jobs or have dramatically changed their hours/wages due to this, since that hasn’t been my experience. I’ve got my self-pity blinders on at times and I’ll certainly try to be more conscious of that! Although I’ve seen a lot of articles on Twitter, or podcasts about mental health, that fact is def not the dominant conversation here unfortunately, regardless that it affects SO SO many people! ..If you check out this Life In Red episode though (and a few others in shorter form), they talk about the anxiety of just that issue!

      Such a difficult time, we’ve really just got to look out for each other!!


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