The Best COVID-19 Podcast Episodes (so far)

Hey y’all, your local Registered Nurse here!

I know this pandemic is creating an extremely stressful and confusing and probably anxiety-ridden time for us all. Whether you’re stuck at home, or getting ready to head to work on the front lines, having adequate knowledge about what we’re dealing with is KEY. Knowledge is power, after all!

As a nurse, I must admit that I am truly terrified. I’ve been physically secluding myself from my loved ones, family and friends, from anyone that isn’t my poor roomies. I know full well that if anyone is going to be a potential carrier (perhaps unknowingly) it’s me, and my colleagues – a hospital nurse, who possibly gets exposed multiple times a shift to the virus. If this happens, may very well be asymptomatic, as I’m a relatively young and healthy individual. Every day, nurses and all other frontline healthcare professionals and hospital employees are risking their own health to care for others’ health, and honestly – we’re scared. Scared that others’ reckless actions will sabotage our efforts.

If I can ask you (beg you) for a few things while you’re here: PLEASEEE take social distancing/isolating and quarantining yourself at home VERY seriously! Yeah yeah, I know we all think “it’ll never happen to me” and that surely going out to see one or two friends won’t hurt anybody. You’d be wrong. My favourite memes at the moment goes “Just want to make this point in case people haven’t realized it yet – the longer you don’t comply with social distancing, the longer we’re going to have to do it”, as well as a bunch of nurses holding signs in the surgical suite, reading “We stay here for you ❤ Please stay home for us!”. Seriously folks, whatever plans you think need to happen right now, they DON’T! Let’s all agree that there will be no FOMO this month – your friends aren’t doing anything that interesting right now either! Go ahead and Skype, video call, talk on the phone, whatever you need to do to feel socially engaged at this time WHILE STAYING HOME, go for it! But please don’t cross contaminate the public just because you’re feeling antsy. Also, this should NOT need to be said, but PLEASE STOP HOARDING SUPPLIES and stealing shit from hospitals!!! I agree – your health is important, but so is everyone else’s, so please act accordingly.

ANYWAYS, rant over. Onto the podcasts!

Personally, I like to listen in order to learn (educational podcasts are lifeeee, amiright?), so I’ve come up a list of my recent favourite podcast episodes regarding this scary Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and the state of the world today. Keep in mind, I’m Canadian, so the focus is predominantly on the North American experience and response. SO, here is my short list the wonderfully informational episodes I’ve listened to so far! *The pictures are a synopses of each episode’s topic, and click on the link to take you to the podcast webpage! *

  1. Solving Healthcare with Kwadwo Kyeremantang (1)
    1. 1 Solving Healthcare
  2. Solving Healthcare with Kwadwo Kyeremantang (2)
    1. SYSK Selects How SPAM Works (1)
  3. Next Question with Katie Couric (1)
    1. 2 Next Question
  4. The Dose with Dr. Brian Goldman3 The Dose
  5. Ted Talk Daily (1)
    1. 4 Ted Talk
  6. Ted Talk Daily (2)
    1. 5 Ted Talks 2
  7. This Podcast Will Kill You6 TPWKY
  8. Ologies with Alie Ward7 Ologies
  9. Brain Stuff (1)8 Brain Stuff
  10. White Coat, Black Art9 White Coat
  11. Clear & Vivid with Alan Alda10 Alan Alda
  12. The Daily Show, Ears Edition with Trevor Noah11 Trevor Noah
  13. Science Rules with Bill Nye12 Science Rules
  14. House of Pod13 HOP
  15. Next Question with Katie Couric (2)
    1. 14 Next Question 2
  16. SickboyIMG_2357
  17. Life In RedIMG_2358
  18. BrainStuff (2)
    1. IMG_2359
  19. CrackdownIMG_2342


I’m sure I’ll be adding to this list in the coming weeks with new info being . When listening, keep an eye on what date these were posted, and much of the information on this virus is changing from day to day! I would have posted this earlier, but I’ve been working non-stop at the hospital and have been too exhausted when I get home to write it haha. So some of these episodes may be outdated by the time you listen, but many of the channels are posting updated episodes as new information is learned.

A couple self-care notes/recommendations to end this conversation:

  • Listen and learn and be prepared and knowledgeable, BUT don’t overwhelm yourself to the point of panic/uncontrollable anxiety. If you feel yourself getting overloaded with COVID panic, that is totally understandable! Take a break from social media, even if it feels like there’s nothing else to do.
  • Take this working-from-home time to learn how to be alone with yourself, and to love and treat yourself well! My recommendations include: take a bath, do some yoga and take a long walk outside (avoiding others at 6feet/2metres of course) to enjoy the spring air, do a hair/face/foot mask, learn some new recipes, drink lots of water, keep a good routine/schedule/to-do-list so you don’t feel unproductive, call up a friend that you haven’t been able to catch up with in a while, start/finish that book/TV show/task you’ve been meaning to get to, check in with friends/family even if they don’t show their worry outwardly, give a hand where/when appropriate or possible, send someone a non-contact delivery treat (see picture below of the beautiful bouquet I just got from my amazing and wonderful and adorable and thoughtful bestie Passportunities – THANK YOU DARLIN’, and some treats from my lovely, supportive roommates!) consider donating money to your local hospital/long term care facility/homeless shelter/etc, and – most importantly – BE SAFE Y’ALL!!!
  • Call a clinic or your doctor to explain symptoms before presenting yourself to the local Emergency Room. Imagine if you were negative before, but then spent the night waiting in a crowded waiting room, and caught it there? Better to go to a drive-through clinic if possible, or talk over the phone, before risking your own health. But definitely contact a healthcare professional if you believe you have the virus.
  • If you have ANY questions or concerns about this situation or this blog post, please reach out to me if you need to chat, I’d be more than happy to help in any way I can! I mean it, any way. If it’s deeper than that, please contact Crisis Services Canada, or your local crisis help-line.


3 thoughts on “The Best COVID-19 Podcast Episodes (so far)

  1. Awesome!!! Thanks so much for sharing! I think it’s easy for people to get caught up in their own heads/FOMO and being ignorant about the severity of the situation and the importance of social distancing/self isolating, it’s great to have a roundup or resources!!

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