Princess Louise Falls


Just getting to this (very) short post now because apparently I’ve had a lot to yammer on about the last few weeks, but I actually went to see the falls in late April (whoops)! The water level was quite high then because of all the spring rainfall and ice/snow thawing, so keep that in mind while reading. I’ve been wanting to visit the falls for a long time – a friend told me about them years ago, but that they are usually only good in the spring. Plus, it’s all the way out in Orleans, so travel definitely requires a car. This year, on my friend Brooke‘s bday, we went for a rainy day adventure to check them out – and we were certainly NOT disappointed!!

FYI: despite what other websites may say, there is NOT parking available at the falls! You should not be parking on the roadside anymore, because it is now a designated bike lane – so keep that in mind if you don’t want fines and/or a potential collision/accident! The driveways around and across from the falls are private, and the owner’s WILL be pissed if you park there, so just don’t! Haha. We avoided any trouble by driving just past the falls, turning left, and parking at the medical centre/mini mall down the road. Then, you’ll have to walk approx. 500m back towards the falls.

I LOVE when you can climb and wander and explore a part of nature, especially waterfalls, so Princess Louise was a dream for me! It’s very easily accessible, and right on the road, so anyone can have fun at this beautiful set of falls. These falls happen to be quite gentle and gradual (see pictures for details), so you can get right up beside them without getting soaked – and you bet we did! We got our pictures and videos and had lots of fun acting like children at a water park. The rock formations are stunning, too. Its a photographer’s dream in early springtime! Unfortunately I can’t post my videos on this site (le sigh), but trust me – the falls make a great video/Boomerang/Snapchat/whatever, too 🙂 TLC can bite me, I’m gonna chase waterfalls every year, because they are simply gorgeous, and I bet you’ll love them as much as I did!

Anyways, I definitely recommend that you check out these falls – they are super easy to get to, they are beautiful, and they are fun! If you do, I imagine spring would be the best option to do so, but they are cute any time of year. Waterfalls never get boring, so go explore!

Happy chasing waterfalls, y’all! *

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